Mind Body Connection

Modern science is confirming what many of us have known for years. Current research into Cellular Biology and Bio-chemistry are clearly demonstrating that our thoughts and emotions directly impact on our physical body. Positive, happy thoughts cause our brain to produce neuro-peptides which are chemical […]

Changing our behaviour – before retirement

We’ve all heard stories about giving and receiving advice and I experienced some of the problems  associated with the practice recently. I was asked to talk to someone who was having issues at work he wasn’t handling well. After talking about his concerns for a […]

Regrets .. I’ve had a few

This is one of the lines from Frank Sinatra’s classic “I did it my way” and it’s one of the most popular songs sung at funerals. It’s certainly true that many people go to their graves with regrets, but if you think about it, it’s […]

Have More Control Over Your Life

For most of us, life is full of challenges, victories and minor or major disasters.  Generally these events have a significant impact on whether we are happy or unhappy at any particular time. Of course a really serious disaster can cause us major grief and […]

Retirement Book For Singles

Single retirees are largely invisible in most of the sales literature produced by the retirement industry.  We see lots of attractive couples on beaches and cruise ships, but very few single people having a good time. Because retired singles have to manage a range of […]

It’s The Thought That Counts

In his book “It’s the thought that Counts: The astounding evidence for the power of mind over matter” Dr David Hamilton shows how our state of mind – our daily thoughts and emotions – influence our health. It shows, for instance, how positive thinking and […]

Online Social Networks And Happiness

Is Facebook the evil face of a new cyber-reality in which we sit behind computer screens and never interact with other people in the “real world”? Is Twitter a destructive force spoiling the grammar and literacy skills of our young people and turning us all […]

Living Beyond Expectations

The greatest antidote to cancer is to be fully engaged in living the life you came here to live. When we actively engage in a fulfilling life and take care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually then we create the ideal physiology in which […]